Hello comm unity )))
How can I create empty GameObject with name and determined RectTransform setteings within existing one?
I know I can just create:
var object= new GameObject("MyObject");
But how can I place it where I want and with all that RecTransform stuff values that I need???
April 27, 2017, 3:46pm
For anyone stumbling across this just like i did, if you just need to spawn it at the current location this is a much cleaner solution:
GameObject yourObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/yourObj"), this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
yourObj.name = "yourObj";
if you need it in another object’s position replace “this” with anObj
if you need specific coords
GameObject yourObj = Instantiate (yourObj, new Vector3(50, 2, 50), transform.rotation);
if you need specific rotation:
GameObject yourObj = Instantiate (object, position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0));
and if you don’t need to adjust the name or anything just remove the
GameObject yourObj =
I managed this by using:
parentObj= childCount[childCount.Length - 1].transform; // searching for the last child, where I want to place my object
myObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Obj")) as GameObject;
myObj.name = "MyObj"; // setting name cuz prefab is giving (Clone) at the end
myObj.transform.parent = parentObj; // putting my object whrere I want