How can I create games for ipad on windows, without an apple developers program?

I own an ipad, but not a mac. I have a windows computer, and i dont really want to switch.
Is it possible for me to create ipad games in unity and run them in realtime, in order to test them daily, without having to buy either a mac or a apple developer program membership?
If i decide to sell my game in the app store, i’ll pay the 99$/€ but I don’t want to make that investment before i even know whether im gonna spend time creating ipad games at all.

I am willing to do something like a jailbreak or something, if that is necessary.

ps. i know this is the from place to ask, but the same question i have for flash cs5.

thanks in advance.

No you cannot test your iPad game before on a pc. But you can test a Unity game on a pc. To port it to iPad you will have to have a mac, membership in the develeoper program, Unity iPhone, and a bit of time to make it run on iPad and lot of time to make a new game because you will see it’s just nonsense to develop a game on the wrong platform without being able to test at least 100 hundred times a day on the targeted device.

It is only possible on Mac and with the SDK, Windows only exports to: Windows (xD), Android, Xbox360, PS3 and Wii

yes it is possible… check out this link

“VIRTUAL MACHINE” is the word.