How can I customize the exposedName of an ExposedReference in a timeline asset?

I’d like to use a custom exposedName for an ExposedReference in timeline, but as far as I’m aware the PlayableDirector assigns all ExposedReferences a GUID string as their exposedName.

Is there a way for me to override this default naming with just ExposedReference? Or do I need to write something custom to handle this?

I’d like to be able to name a GameObject ExposedReference something like “Opponent” so that I can dynamically set this before playback and then do things like spawn particles relative to that game object.

Either a custom script is needed, or use the Debug inspector to change the exposedName field. (Debug inspector is available in the inspector context menu beside the lock button). You will need to the select the clip you want in Timeline, then double click on the asset field for the custom playable asset (or ControlPlayableAsset).