How Can I Decrease Springjoint2D Distance Over Time?,How Can I Decrease Spring Joint distance with Time.DeltaTime?

I imagine this is a new-coder problem, but I have a script set up where when I hold the space bar, the distance in a 2D Spring Joint is supposed to decrease over time. The issue is that the distance only decreases for the first frame. Here is the code I have set up:

        if (joint != null && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
            joint.distance -= Time.deltaTime * 0.2f;

The logic is that when the spring joint (joint) exists, or is not null and when Jump is being pressed, then the joint distance decreases. Any help would be appreciated!

Input.GetButtonDown only triggers for the first frame of the button press. I think it’s .GetButton which triggers every frame, and GetButtonUp triggers on the last frame (or first frame that the key isn’t pressed)