So I'm attempting to create a wizard that will create a totally empty scene before it loads a default scene (which already contains a modified main camera) using `EditorApplication.OpenSceneAdditive(defaultMap);`
My script (provided below) generates the following error:
Can't remove component.
Can't remove Camera because GUILayer, FlareLayer depends on it
So how can I go about deleting / removing the dependancy between the GUILayer and FlareLayer? Will these things come along with my default scene?
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class EmptySceneWizard : ScriptableWizard {
[MenuItem ("Wizards/Empty Scene Wizard")]
static void DoWizard() {
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Empty Scene Wizard", typeof(EmptySceneWizard));
void OnWizardCreate() {