How can I disable a Method.

So I made a script and (we’ll call this script attack_02), and in that script, I made a method…

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll){
if (coll.gameobject.tag == "Enemy") {
Destroy (coll.gameObject);

This method destroys the Enemy gameobject if the Player’s BoxCollider2D and the Enemy’s BoxCollider2D collided. I decided that I wanted this method to only happen if we hold down the H key, so I did that in another script called “attack_01”. But I enabled/disabled the entire attack_02 script.

1. if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.H))
2. {
3. attack_02.enabled = true;
4. }
5. else
6. {
7. attack_02.enabled = false;
8. }

I thought I would work and the BoxCollider2D for the Player wouldn’t destroy the Enemy if they collided
when the H isn’t held down. But I did, I feel as though me disabling/enabling the script has no effect
on the the method(that’s just my theory). By the way I disabled the attack_02 script in the start method
,with this line of code.

19. attack_02.enabled = false;

My Question is pretty the same as the topic question, How can I disable a Method, or if you have any
better solutions please help.

bool keyPressed = false;
void Update(){
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.H)){ keyPressed = true; }
else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.H)) { keyPressed = false;}

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll){
        if (coll.gameobject.tag == "Enemy" && keyPressed) {
              Destroy (coll.gameObject);

this uses a boolean to set when key is down. Then in the collision, you check whether it is true/false.
You can’t really check input in Collision as you could miss some hit.