how can i disable input provider?

i’m using “cinemachine virtual camera” with “cinemachine Input Provider”
(Add Extension)

and binding XY Axis to new input system Input Action

It works well.

However, the problem is as follows.

If i disabled “Player”(binding input action) in script, cinemachine’s aim still works.
Even if i turn off(disable) the input provider component on inspector, it still affects.
How vcam’s aim still works?
I want to temporarily prevent input that affects the cinemachine aim.

What is the appropriate way?

What’s your Cinemachine version?

Unity : 2020.3.5f1 / URP / cinemachine 2.6.3
I updated 2.6.4 but it was still the same problem.)

I believe, this bug was fixed after 2.6.4.

Was this a known issue?
As far as I know, the latest version of verified is 2.6.4.

It hasn’t been officially released yet, but is it resolved in the preview version?

Yes, it is fixed in 2.7.3, which is preview currently.

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can u gimme example how to disable the inputs by other script ,