hi i want to rotate a 3d object on canvas.
canvas is a shopping options where different type of objects are available.
object are on scroll view, so they will move accordingly.
also if i use this canvas on different scene and i have have prefab coin on my table the how can i save that stack when i returned to that scene.
The only way i can think of is by changing the transform of the Game Object to Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector2 (Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2)) so that the game objects comes on a 2D space no matter where the player is looking and then play a rotate animation on the object.
what you can try is render a camera onto your UI, i mean place your weapon somewhere in your scene and place a camera looking at that weapon and use RenderTexture and use this RenderTexture as the texture for the material of your UI object …