How can I drag a project tab item out of all folders?

Ok, I’ve had this issue for a while now and I’m not sure if I’ve stupidly missed some little functionality or if indeed it’s an issue with the Unity UI.

In the project tab if I want to drag an item into the root/top level/so that it is not in any folder, is there an easy way to do this? For example, if I have only a few folders in the project tab than this is no problem, I simply drag an item into the space below the folders, drop it and it is outside all the folders. BUT if I have enough folders to fill up the entire project tab (which in most of my projects is the case) than there is no empty space to drag items to any more, and dragging items anywhere else ends up just expanding one folder after another. If I could cut and paste the items to where I want them that would help, but this doesn’t seem to work for the project tab. How do other people solve this issue or is it just me?

If you change the project window layout to “Two columns layout” you’ll see the full tree at the left. There’s a parent node called “Assets” with all the project folders inside. Drag an item to the Assets node and it’ll be at the root.

I’m not sure if it can be done with the “One column layout”.