Hi! Newbie here. How can I easily unlink a project from the Unity Version Control? I already tried deleting the repository in the DevOps, but in the Unity Hub, the icon has still in the “linked” status. I got annoyed with the appearance of the UI having these green icons at the corners and other files appearing.
I think this is done here, first time I’m seeing that page too so can’t tell you more about how it works. There are bunch of random test projects there were I’ve probably forgot to uncheck that link think. I’m looking on how to delete them right now myself
nope you can’t delete the projects, you can only archive them.
why are you like this unity? are you enjoying yourself to be like this?
Unity is after all a game engine company, not a source control company.
I recommend git, but I know that git has a steep learning curve and can scale poorly to large binaries.
But there are other choices such as Perforce (Helix Core) that scale better to huge binaries.
Another benefit to external source control is you can make the Unity part of your source controlled project only be a small subset, letting you have multiple projects, tools, other stuff outside of Unity all in the same repository, something I leverage in 100% of my projects by making the Unity project a subdirectory within the repo.
fortunately I’ve remembered unchecking the cloud option on those projects named “whythe°°°°youno°°°°°°°wantto°°°°°°°workyoupieceof°°°°version2” because having those projects in that archived for posterity would had been something else
Yeah, but you can delete the repository.
Update: You can disconnect it in those 3 dots (the meatballs menu) at the Unity Hub lol