How can I edit my static variable in the editor?

If I can’t apply my static variable in the editor than is there any other way to apply the texture2d fro my icon while its static?
Here’s the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class AllItems : MonoBehaviour
	static public Texture2D macheteIcon;

	public static void ItemsAndStats()
			Weapon machete = new Weapon (10.0f, 0.0f, 3, false, 0, false); = "Machete";
				machete.description = "A fast bladed weapon";
				machete.icon = macheteIcon;
				machete.rarity = RarityType.Common;
				machete.curDurability = 150.0f;
				machete.maxDurability = 150.0f;
				machete.weightAmount = 1;














No sorry, static variables can not be edited in the editor. Maybe you could add another non-static public variable and assign this variable to macheteIcon

public Texture2D MacheteIconTemp;
static public Texture2D macheteIcon;

void Start(){
macheteIcon = MacheteIconTemp;
