How can I emit a global function call?

I’m looking to create a function that behaves similarly to the built in Unity functions Update(), Start(), Awake(), OnCollisionEnter(), etc.

I would like to place a function in several scripts and call all of them at once. For instance, let’s say I want to create a touch tracking function that will emit something like “touch_started()” and “touch_ended”.

I’d like to be able to add those functions to any number of scripts and have them get called from a different touch tracking script. I don’t want to manually call all of the instances where they are defined.

Rather than:


I’d like to be able to do something like:


(Obviously that’s not going to work and isn’t proper code. It’s simply an example to illustrate my objective)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Duplicate Question!

Hope this helps,

I saw that this question started getting lots of views so, despite it being a duplicate question, I’m going to post the proper answer I was looking for in case other people find it useful and don’t feel like clicking and reading another question.

To globally call a function in any script, you actually use SendMessage(). Here is an example:

gameObject.SendMessage("touchStarted", someValue);

That will cause every function named “touchStarted” in every script (C & JS) to fire:

function touchStarted(someValue:float) {

Pretty awesome.