How can I extract values to use from the data the methods return?

I have been setting up leaderboards according to the documentation, but I hit a roadblock. I cannot figure out a way to get any actual leaderboard values from the data returned from

Here is my code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Services.Core;
using Unity.Services.Authentication;
using Unity.Services.Leaderboards;
using Unity.Services.Leaderboards.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public class leaderboardManagement : MonoBehaviour

    public LeaderboardPlayer playerRanking;

    public async void AddWin()
        var playerEntry = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.AddPlayerScoreAsync("Wins", 1);

        //Failed solution: JsonConvert.PopulateObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(playerEntry), playerRanking);

public class LeaderboardPlayer
    public string playerId { get; set; }           
    public string playerName { get; set; }
    public string rank { get; set; }
    public string score { get; set; }
    public string tier { get; set; }
    public string updatedTime { get; set; }           

I want to be able to access each individual value, but I have no idea where to start. Thanks in advance for any advice!

You can directly access the data without serializing it to json.
LeaderboardsService.Instance.AddPlayerScoreAsync() returns an Object of type Unity.Services.Leaderboards.Models.LeaderboardEntry.

For example you can get the value for the playername with “playerEntry.PlayerName”.

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That worked perfectly, thank you! I can’t believe it was that simple.

Just wanted to add to this after some tinkering, all the possible values to get from GetPlayerScoreAsync are:

It would be really beneficial to have this somewhere in the documentation for future users.

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How can I get the values from GetPlayerRangeAsync?

I found it after even more experimentation, and it goes as thus. The GetPlayerRangeAsync() function returns an Object of type Unity.Services.Leaderboards.Models.LeaderboardScores, which contains an Array of Unity.Services.Leaderboards.Models.LeaderboardEntry Objects organized by rank. For example, you can access the name of the player in the highest returned rank above you with

//LeaderboardScores is a stand-in name for whatever you name your object.


I once again must stress to the Unity Team how vital it is that this information be available in the Leaderboards documentation. Thank you for your previous answer, as I would not have been able to figure this out had you not paved the way.

GetPlayerRangeAsync() returns an object of type Unity.Services.Leaderboards.Models.LeaderboardScores which has a member with the name Results. Results is a list of LeaderboardEntries, so you could access the values for example this way:

var response = await LeaderboardsService.Instance.GetPlayerRangeAsync(LeaderboardId);

foreach (var entry in response.Results)
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Almost perfect timing!:slight_smile: I had just figured this out right as you posted your reply…

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How is it possible to access Metadata using this method?


The GetPlayerRangeAsync() method returns a LeaderboardScores object which has a List<> of LeaderboardEntry objects.

The LeaderboardEntry objects have a Metadata property if you have requested it - for example by passing “new GetPlayerRangeOptions() { IncludeMetadata = true }” as an option after the leaderboard ID when calling GetPlayerRangeAsync().

Metadata is a bit unique in that it has to be requested explicitly when fetching scores; we don’t automatically return it as it would mean sending extra data in each response and it would have changed the method response coming back from the service from the original behaviour, so it is only returned when explicitly requested.

The auto-generated documentation for SDKs is not currently easy to navigate, but you can find an explicit example of how to use the functions on
Get a range of scores centered around the player

There are also more examples in the Sample that comes with the SDK, which you can load from the Package Manager.

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Thank you so much for your response.

I have been able to retrieve the metadata with entry.Metadata and I get the following {“team”:“red”} . At the risk of being a nuisance, how would I access the string “red”?

I was able to parse the Metadata using FromJSON and that solved the problem.

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