How can I fix a render issue?

I tried to add a 3d model to my scene, so, my original model has .skp extension (sketchup) and then I converted to .fbx,

I draged the object to my scene but the problem is, when the camera is near to any wall, it dissapears, but I don’t know if this issue is a render issue (unity) or actually the problem was in the convertion, because also I get a worst 3d object (low quality).

So how can I fix this problem?.

As you can see one tower is missing and part of the ground too.

Thank you! :smiley:

How large is your object compared to a default Unity cube? Maybe it’s just tiny and you moved your camera too close so the near clipping plane is clipping your model. At least that’s what it looks like. Make sure you import it at a proper scale. If for some reason you want to work with such small scales you can lower your near and far clipping plane proportionally. However there are limits how small it can get. Keep in mind when your near clipping plane is very small your depth buffer precision will decrese significantly and you get additional problems.

The general rule is: Make the near clipping plane as large as possible and as small as necessary. Likewise make the far clipping plane as small as possible but as large as necessary. If you take a look at your camera frustum in the scene view you can see its clipping planes.