how Can i force mouse to go up?

Hi there,

I want to force my mouse to go up, i mean, the axis, going a little up when my weapon script shoots, that way, the joints of my character’s spine will nicely go up, creating a cool recoil effect for him. Anyway …

Is it possible with Input.GetAxis? is there a way to change mouse aceleration?

Thanks in advance

You can temporarily add value to axis.

recoil = Mathf.lerp(recoil, 0, Time.deltaTime*RecoilRollBackSpeed);
float mouseAxisY = Mathf.Clamp(Input.GetAxis("Vertical")+recoil, -1, 1);

I found this exact method before this answer and it worked perfectly, but thank you very much for your answer, i’ll upvote and accept.

See ya mate. ^^