I have an asset I got from the store, but there was an error on my disc and it appears to have caused some errors in a texture.
I need to re-download and re-import the asset. How do I do this?
If I go to the package manager, I can click the button for “import”, but I can’t find any option to force the package manager to re-download the original asset so I can import a clean version.
Hmm, okay, now how do I force Unity to ACTUALLY re-import the asset?
I re-downloaded a fresh copy, but when I try to import the asset Unity will not let me check the boxes for any of the files. It will not let me over-write the asset I have in my scene.
@Marscaleb fwiw I ran into a similar problem and went to the asset store file cache & deleted the files but it didn’t work & let me re-download the package. Turns out I had to also delete the packages folder structure for it to work. Eg: I deleted the files in Asset Store-5.x/developer-name/package-name/files/** but not the folders Asset Store-5.x/developer-name/package-name. Hope it helps!
If it is just a few files you’re having trouble with, you could brute force it. What I mean is create a new project, import the asset package into that project, save and close Unity. Then in your file manager, manually copy the files you need from the new project on top of the same files in your old project, and tell your file manager to replace. The meta files are likely to be the same, but I’d leave those alone. Then open your original project again.
To add my experience here. Sometimes I open up a Unity project and one or more of the Unity Registry packages have compile errors due to the files missing. In the case of windows, this is because its pulling down a package from the local versions stored at C:\Users%LOCALAPPDATA%\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\packages.unity.com
To force a fresh download of the package, this is what I’ve done.
Navigate to the above package directory and delete the offending packages.
In your project inside the UnityEditor, remove the package from the project via the Package Manager Window.
Re add the package back into the package manifest. This can be either by reverting the manifest file via git or adding it via the via the Package Manager Window.