For example i have in the List 10 gameobjects.
Now i want to loop over the gameobjects in the List and to attach to each gameobject child a script. ! Not the the gameobject but to it’s child !
var childs = GetComponentInChildren(, true);
foreach (GameObject go in cubes)
The foreach will add the script to the gameobject but i want to add it to the child of each gameobject. I tried to create a var childs but not sure how to continue.
As a C programmer, I hate the For Each` Loop, I’d rather complicate things a bit, but have more control over the outcome.
So let me rephrase your question, you got a List of Gameobject, you want to iterate over each of the element in the list, and to attach a script to each CHILD of the Gameobject present in the list ?
//For each Elements in the Cubes List
for (int i = 0; i < Cubes.Count; i++)
//For each child of the elements in the Cubes list.
for (int j = 0; j < Cubes*.ChildCount; j++)*
{ //Add a component to the Child of the current Element in the Cubes List. Cubes*.GetChild(j).gameObject.AddComponent();* } } So since I am new to this Unity Formating and all, I’d explain down here: 1. For each elements in the List. 2. For each child of the GameObject present in the list. 3. For each child, add a “mouseDrag” component to it. Hopefully @Chocolade, I answered your question correctly, if not, well I didn’t understood your question correctly. PS: .gameObject. may be redundant seeing as you iterate over GameObject already, but I didn’t want to assume the of the Child of the GameObject