How can I get my character to face the direction he is moving?

I am using a very simple script for movement and a fixed camera that’s almost top down. I have searched all over for a way to make my character face the way he is moving but nothing seems to work with my script. Am I going to have to find another way to write the movements?

here is what I am using:

var speed:int = 10; var gravity = 10;
private var cc:CharacterController;

function Start(){
  cc = GetComponent(CharacterController); 

function Update(){
* speed * Time.deltaTime, -gravity * Time.deltaTime,
Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed *
     if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.2)
       animation.CrossFade ("run");
          if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0.2)
       animation.CrossFade ("run");
    if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < -0.2)
       animation.CrossFade ("run");
           if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < -0.2)
       animation.CrossFade ("run");
          if ((Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0.2)
&& (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") >
-0.2) && (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0.2) && (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > -0.2))
      animation.CrossFade ("Idle");


The vector you pass to CharacterController.Move() is the direction you want the character to move in. Just rotate the game object so it’s forward vector is aligned with the direction you compute. The example on the Move() doc page shows a slightly more clean way to compute this vector.