i have a game that needs beta testing,so the easiest way i thought to redistribute it was to put it on the website,and let people play test it. the thing is,is that i don't know how to make the game embeddable for the website. i also don't know how to upload my game to a unity player page,that isn't connected to my website. any help on this would be great! thanks in advance.
link textyou should build your game as a web player game. file/build&run then upload the generated .unity3d file to a website and use the and tags to put the game in your website. to read more take a look at the unity manual's ection about web player deployment. there is a page about the HTML code to load the player. also you can edit the default page created by unity's buildpipeline to suite your needs.
To handle the HTML markup portion there's a useful Unity library in the spirit of the flash community's SWFObject, UnityOject: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnityObject