How can I implement highscore in web player game?


I’d like to add highscore feature to my web player game. What is the effective way of storing and displaying player’s highscores for browser games?

I am using an object (it’s not being destroyed between scenes) called Game Data, with GameData C# script that stores public int variable “totalScore”.

If you want to save it locally, the easiest way is to use PlayerPrefs. If you want to do it somehow else, I guess you could talk to the browser if you have a method of handling the response etc. I don’t know what can be done in js on the browser, but that is pretty much your only other option.

If you want to save it remotely, you need a web service to handle your request and setup a cross domain policy if it’s located on a different domain. Example on how to communicate with the server is found here.

Did you manage to save the highscore on web player with PlayerPrefs.
I read some documentation but i’m having trubble to wrap my head around what needs to be done to make it work :-/