How can I include Fantasy Forest Inviroment in my project?

I’m trying to download the Fantasy Forest Inviroment from the Asset Store in Unity 3D. If I want to open them in Unity, I don’t see them in the package manager. Instead, there is now: Sign in to access your assets and a button underneath it: Sign in, but nothing happens when I click this button. How do I get on?

Or is there an alternative?
How can I download the asset from the Asset Store? Unfortunately, it only says Open in Unity, but only the package manager opens where I cannot log in. Is there a way to save the asset to my PC so that I can save it to my project via the “Assets” menu. Select “Import Package” and then “Custom Package”?

Sounds like you are somehow not signed into your Unity account. You normally do this through the Unity Hub app.

Try doing that, then relaunch Unity and see if your Package Manager is behaving better.

Thank you for your help. It workes now.