How can i increase timer speed without missing count?

Codes first:

    public float timer;
	public string CurrentTime;
	public string DT;

    DT = "2013-10-25T15:35:15.858000";    //DT is a string that i read from a JSON

In Update(), check if my timer reaches DT:`
void Update()
		if (DT!=""){
			if (CurrentTime == DT.Substring(11,8)){
				trigger = true;
Timer function:`
void Timer(){
		int hours = Mathf.FloorToInt(timer / 3600F);
		int minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt((timer- hours *3600) / 60F);
	    int seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(timer - hours * 3600 - minutes* 60);
	    CurrentTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", hours,minutes,seconds);

As you can see, i am trying to do something when my timer reaches the time i read from database. I want to increase the timer speed so it won’t take forever to trigger. I tried to increase it 500 times faster but the “if” checking is never true. I suspect that the timer is speed up by a step of 500, not really 500 times faster with every count. How can i make it 500 times faster without missing count? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!

You are not going to be able to solve your problem with this approach. With the 500 times speedup, it is unlikely that you will match the string since it is highly probable that you will skip on by the precise second in the string. With just deltaTime, you likely would match the string (assuming the formatting matches), but there always a chance that your game would hang for a second due to something like garbage collection and you would miss the precise time. A complete fix for this problem requires a numeric comparison and then use ‘>=’ in the comparison. Given the format of the string from JSON, it should be straight forward building up the time in seconds from the string.