How can I instantiate prefabs in multiplayer?

Hey guys, I have a script to instantiate prefabs in front of the player on a button press, but I need to get this script to work in multiplayer (spawns in front of the local player, and all the other players can see the created object), any help would be appreciated. Here is my script:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SpawnPrefab : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;

public GameObject gameobj1;

void Start()
//player = GameObject.Find(“player”);

public void ButtonInteract()

Instantiate(gameobj1, player.transform.position + (player.transform.forward * 2), player.transform.rotation);


Generally this is functionality built into any high level networking API. But you haven’t mentioned which if any networking API you are using.

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