How can I keep the results of alphaBlend stabily?

I use use alpheBlend to make some transparent gameObject,I know the alpha blending equation is as follows:

Result Color = (Forward Color * Forward Alpha) + (Back Color * (1 - Forward Alpha))

but with this equation,when i use 0.5 alpha value,I think it will not influenced by render order?but the render result is not that ,It will also influenced by render order,the later the rendering, the more pronounced.
Is there any method which can keep the alpha blend render result and use the same render queue?
I know when the different GameObject in different render queue,it will renderer with fixed sequence,but when i use the same renderqueue,the render sequence will influenced by the distance between camera and gameObject. Is there any method can solve the problem with the same renderqueue?

the result with different camera distance,in these two picture,there are three sphere with different color,but with the same alpha 0.5:


A traditional alpha blend is always order dependent. If you want something to not be order-dependent, you should use additive or multiplicative blending.

Blend One One // additive blending
Blend SrcAlpha One // additive blending with alpha fading
Blend DstColor Zero // multiplicative blending, need to lerp(col, 1, alpha) in the shader to support alpha fading