How can i limit int variables in the Inspector so the user will not be able to enter the numbers 2 or not same numbers ?

In the top of the script:

public int mapWidth = 10;
public int mapHeight = 10;

Then in a loop:

private void Generate()
        if (objects.Count > 0)
            objects = new List<GameObject>();

        if (Node == null)
            Node = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Main Node");

        for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
            float positionWidth = Spacing * (float)x;

            for (int z = 0; z < mapHeight; z++)
                float positionWidth1 = Spacing * (float)z;
                GameObject block = Instantiate(Node,, Node.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                block.transform.parent = transform;
                block.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(positionWidth, 0, positionWidth1);
                block.transform.localScale = new Vector3(nodeScale.x, nodeScale.y, nodeScale.z);
                block.tag = "NodeDestroyable";

But i want to add two rules:

The user will not be able to enter as int numbers 2 or less. So mapWidth or/and mapHeight will never be 2 both or one of them and also the numbers in both int variables should be the same like 7 and 7 or 10 and 10 but not 8 and 9 or 67 and 4.

If the user enter this numbers prevent from him to generate.
And i have a button that i click to Generate so i need also to take care the button maybe somehow to enable/disable the button: This is the button class:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class GenerateButton : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        Generator Generate = (Generator)target;
        if (GUILayout.Button("Generate New Map"))


        if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy Nodes"))

The idea is to prevent from the user to enter this values and also to prevent the user from clicking the button if the values are wrong.

About enable/disable the button i can’t find any way to do it.
I can disable the whole guilayout but it will disable also the other variables i want to enable/disable only the button.

There is something on a MonoBehaviour called OnValidate() which allows you to check
variables in the inspector and reset them etc for example:

public int NumberOfEnemies; //set in inspector

void OnValidate() {
if (NumberOfEnemies > 5)
NumberOfEnemies = 5; // Reset to 5 when it is tried to be set higher than 5

Maybe Range is what you are looking for.

[Range(2, 10)]
public int mapWidth = 10;
[Range(2, 10)]
public int mapHeight = 10;

And if you want both numbers to be always the same, why have two numbers in the first place?

[Range(2, 10)]
int mapSize = 10