How can i make a Camera move to another Camera?

How can i make the camera change from the main camera (following the main character) into another separate camera for a cut scene for example?

Oh and while on the subject is it possible for the camera to move by itself in a certain direction? Any JavaScript would be very helpful!

Thanks for the comments!

To switch which camera is displayed, see the answer here:

Short answer is that you enable the one you want to display, and disable the others. If there are multiple cameras enabled, you can combine their views together.

Moving the camera is easy as well. Cameras have a transform just like other game objects. They can easily be moved around using the same techniques that are used to move other objects.

In addition, Unity comes with some standard camera scripts that you can use. For example, Smooth Follow makes the camera follow a target GameObject (you specify which one in the editor.)

There are also a lot of camera control scripts you can look at on the Unity Wiki:

Scroll down the page to the Controllers section to see the list.