Basically I have a police helicopter that is airborne, and a player-controlled car on the ground. The helicopter would be supposed to follow the car but stay airborne, basically locking the Y axis. I don’t care about collisions for this, so if Y axis is locked is fine by me, since i’d prefer to not give the helicopter collision. Below is the code. I’m aware that by using LookAt() and by adding forward it is going to move on all axis, so my question is how can I make it to move only on X and Z, with Y being locked in order to keep the helicopter airborne.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PoliceHelicopterController : MonoBehaviour {
public float MinDistance = 35;
public float MaxDistance = 10;
public float Speed = 7;
public Transform Player;
void Update () {
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Player.position) >= MinDistance)
transform.position += transform.forward * Speed * Time.deltaTime;
Use [Vector3.MoveTowards]. This will give you a position, moving from a given position (first parameter) to the given target (second parameter) using a step (third parameter).
I can’t run the script right now, but I think it’ll be something like this:
public class PoliceHelicopterController : MonoBehaviour {
public float MinDistance = 35;
public float MaxDistance = 10;
public float Speed = 7;
public Transform Player;
void Update () {
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Player.position) >= MinDistance)
Vector3 follow = Player.position;
//setting always the same Y position
follow.y = this.transform.position.y;
// remenber to use the new 'follow' position, not the Player.transform.position or else it'll move directly to the player
this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, follow, Speed * Time.deltaTime);