Hello, so in my game I have this laser object, it’s just a cylinder-type object attached to a head. Now I want to make a laser burn effect on the floor to appear where the laser hits the floor and then have it fade out and delete it self. How would I do this? As always, your help will be appreciated!
Im doing something similar only my dragon is scorching everything
One way i have found to scorch ground and large walls is to simply instantiate a plane with a transparent burn texture. This is the most generic way to do this in games. then you put a death timer on the plane that cleans it up in a couple of seconds or whenever you want it to
im kind of skeptic on trail renderer because its clean up seems a bit limiting though that depends on your preference.
I just noticed this is similar to zoom domain, but use planes and if you want to you can Lerp/animate color of a texture (over time)so you dont have to change textures (HYPER EFFICIENT AND COOL)
scale the plane to whatever you want
and attach Particle systems however you want
if you are using a RayCast hit, just add a line that instatiates an Laser prefab on the contact.point