How can I make a property whose value is modified in code be serialized to UXML?

I have a custom control with two properties, for example:

    public partial class TestCustomControl : VisualElement
        public string MyString { get; set; } = MYSTRING_DEFAULT_VALUE;

        public int MyInt { get; set; } = MYINT_DEFAULT_VALUE;
        // etc ...

and I have code in a method that modifies those values, for example:

        private void SetConfiguration2()
            Debug.Log("Setting configuration 2");
            MyString = "Config2 string";
            MyInt = 2;

I see the values are properly update in UIBuilder Inspector, for example:

However, the UXML file does Not reflect those new values, for example:
I am looking for a way to make those properties to be serialized to the UXML file whenever their values change in code, for example:

So my questions are:

  • How can I make the properties to serialize (preferrable immediately) to the UXML when their values change programmatically?
  • If not possible ^ Can I at least mark them as “dirty” or mark the whole UXML file marked as “changes made” so that the user saves it? Something like this?

This answers it How can I leave an attribute editable via UIBuilder inspector after its value is set programmatically? - #2 by karl_jones