How can I make all the light in my scene controllable? (on / off)

Hello, I was wondering what would be the best approach in terms of performance when my scene is using a lot of lights that needs to be controlled? It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the gameplay depends on the lights. Long story short: the scene is completely dark, no direct light, no environment light and point / spot lights are acting as a way to unlock a new area. The map is built using point/spot lights (around 100 - 200), that are set to realtime mode, and many objects (which are basic shapes: cubes, planes, cylinders and etc.) and yet when the lights are switched to on, the performance is really bad. Tried shadow distance, shadow qualities, clipping and it still didn’t help. Considering that one day the scene will have objects changed to more complex ones and the fact that the map might change and have even more lights does not sound good given the current performance. I feel like baked lightning is out of question, because all the lights change at least once from off to on during runtime. What would be the best approach to use the lightning and shadows? Using URP What are the most important settings to look at?

Thank you in advance!!

Hundreds of realtime lights is… a lot. Maybe you could do something like this guy, who baked a lightmap for each light’s individual contribution and add/subtract to the scene lightmap as needed?

Dynamic (on and off) baked/mixed lights? - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions