How can i make an igniter that ignite objects?

Hi, my question is how can i ignite things in unity 3d, because i know how to make fire, but, what can i do to make fire on a stick, or something like a fire spawner that get out of the igniter.

“Fire” is an abstract concept that a game engine doesn’t understand. You need to break it down a bit.

How would you show fire, in a game? It might include some visual effects like particles, some audio, some animations. Characters might react to it. It might damage certain objects, or spread from one object to another.

You’re asking “How can I make fire?” but the real question is, what effects do you want, and how can you achieve them? It’s fairly easy to play particles. It’s fairly easy to play sounds. The harder part will be designing a system that can do what you want.

Once you have a better idea of what you’re looking for, you can find tutorials to help you with many of those individual parts.