I’m making a FPS game and I was wondering if there is a way to make an object move when the First Person Controller walks over a certain point. Say that the character is walking into a room and when the character gets to a certain point, I chair falls. How would I do this?
You need to learn about colliders and OnTriggerEnter : http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Collider.OnTriggerEnter.html
Search this 'site or google for collider and OnTriggerEnter.
Also, check my answer on this question, I think it describes what you want to do : http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/240136/sliding-door-animation-question.html
Read how other people use OnTriggerEnter, and experiment !
this should get you started =]
Hi there CodePanda,
I really really really recommend that you do a tutorial first. Like
This will push your learning curve and in the end you will get your own project and ideas implemented much faster.
If that tutorial is not your thing, I can recommend this book
Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials
maybe you will find it in a library or “somewhere” if you do not have the money.
Try to work with these page by page and step by step. Leave nothing out. Otherwise your learning curve will flatten because you miss the one or the other trick or even important stuff.
Good Luck and much fun!