How can I make my airplane rotate by my cursor position?

I am working on a Aviation Controller. I was wondering how to make it to where if my cursor center location is the screen width / 2, and screen height / 2. So that the center position is the center of the users screen. The farther the cursor is from that center position the more the aircraft will change its rotation. Here is a picture example:

The left is a diagram of what I am saying. The right is the players screen and how it would look to them.

How would I go about doing this? I can’t get much further than,

 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

You just need to add a “Mouse Look” component that you can find in the imported assets in Compenent => Camera-Control => Mouse Look. Then if you move your cursor your plane will rotate perfectly. If you also want it to move in the same time, also add a “Character Controller” that you can find in Component => Physics => Character Controller, a "Character Motor" and a “FPS Input Controller” in Component => Character. I wish this answer helps you :wink: