How can I make my playable character transform from human model to werewolf model?

Hi all and thanks for any advice.

I’m completely new to unity and have never done any coding before so my mind is boggled.

I’m attempting to make a game were the main character is a werewolf and the player has the ability to transform from human to werewolf with the click of a single button (I don’t mind which, i’ve been trying to use Z)

So I’ve modelled the two states of my character and imported them into the scene as two separate game objects, the human model is named JoeHuman and the werewolf model, you guessed it, JoeWolf.

I just need to know how to switch between them in game with one click. A lot like the devil trigger in Devil May Cry.

Thanks for reading and any help is greatly apprieciated


I’m getting tired and my hands cramping up, so I’ll just give you the links you’ll need.
Really, Unity is the best source, so…
For making a button to click:

For changing the werewolf into a man and vice-versa:


There’s more than one way to do it but you will basically have your Man object, and when you click the ‘Change’ button he will change into the ‘Werewolf’ object, and back again if you want.
That is just the basics, you can have a mecanim animation for the man and werewolf that is like a changing animation (Mixamo has a great collection of free animations that are designed to work with Unity’s mecanim ), do a search on Mixamo under ‘Animations’ for “Agony”, it’s an animation of a humanoid grabbing their head in agony. Let’s say you are the Man, you can trigger the agony animation when the ‘change’ button is clicked, maybe change the texture on the man to a half wolf-man after a short timer, then create the werewolf object (or enable it) and at the same time destroy(or disable) the Man object. That will let you have completely separate scripts and actions for the man and wolf, but you could also just change the mesh that is ‘connected’ to the player. Check out Unity’s Mesh Documentation. Unity also has built-in mesh blending so you can get a nice morph between man and beast.