I’m trying to make a version of my game which consits of a “super” player that can control the developement of the game of other players.
The fact is that I want that the “super” player could watch the developement of the others player’s game as if he was them…Like when you are playing to other FPS games (Team Fortress 2 for instance) and you are waiting into the lobby to respawn.
I only need to redirect or send the camera’s view of the other player to the “super” player in order that the “super” player can handle some golbal variables if he considers it based on what’s happening to the normal player…
I think I now how to create GameObjects in the server version but, how should I do the instantiation of the same camera view of the other player in the server version of my game (what I called as the “supper” player)?.
Do you understand me?. I know that it must be something very simple but it’s my first time and I’ve spent too much time with it…
What do you wanna mean with the “proper syncronisation”?. I’m trying to understand the MultiplayerNetworking.pdf from the Official Unity3D website and I suppose that you are referring to the creation in the network of the client/server via somthing like this:
var SpaceCraft : Transform;
function OnNetworkLoadedLevel () {
// Instantiating SpaceCraft when Network is loaded
Network.Instantiate(SpaceCraft, transform.position, transform.rotation, 0);
function OnPlayerDisconnected (player : NetworkPlayer) {
Network.RemoveRPCs(player, 0);
I don’t know if you wanna mean something like this…I’m really new at networking in Unity3D. And I figure out that this is really simple, the only problem is that I’m really new with it and I’ve never make a server/client application but I know what I want to do.
Could you be a bit more specific, please?. Thanks for your help syclamoth.
P.S.: (for administrators/moderators only) I needed to write a new answer and not a new comment because I wanted to post some code and a comment didn’t allow to me to do this.