How can I make the enemy AI attack the player?

I’m making a zombie game, and I’m wondering how I can make the enemy AI attack the player. I want the attack to be triggered when the player steps within the enemies’ boundaries, and I want the attack to be a melee (hands on) attack, with no projectiles. I want the enemy to run after the player when the player is within reach, and I want the enemy to attack the player when it is close to him or her. Does anyone have C# script that fills these requirement? If you could kindly share it with me (or give me a pointer on how I can make this attack happen), I would be delighted. I wanna get this Alpha out by tomorrow and (as you can see) I am very behind.

Thanks in advance, and I hope you have a great day! Stay safe!

The first thing you’ll need is a trigger that detects whether the player is near the zombie or not. You can simply use Physics.OverlapSphere for this, for example:

public class ZombieAI : MonoBehaviour
     public bool PlayerIsNear;
     public float Radius;

     void Update()
          PlayerIsNear = false;

          Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, Radius);

          foreach (var hitCollider in hitColliders)
               if (hitCollider.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                      PlayerIsNear = true;

Then, to make the zombie follow the player, you can use Vector3.MoveTowards, to move toward the player. E.g:

void Update()
     if (PlayerIsNear)
          transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, Player.position, MovementSpeed);

Finally, to make the zombie look at the player, you can just use transform.LookAt(Player); Hope that helps @finn248582