How can I make the player slide?

This might be a dumb question but I can’t seem to find a answer to it so I’m gonna ask. How do I make my player slide using bolt? Because when I do it I use rigid body add force to add force when the player presses the slide key. But when I have a rigid body for some reason my player capsule just starts wobbling around when j press wasd. So I tried using kinematic but then the add force won’t work. I tried set velocity but it’s not working. Is there someone who can help with this problem?

stick with add force and make sure you lock the rotation and positions you need to in inspector to prevent unwanted movement

Thank you for the help. Sliding is working better. I just need to make the transition more fluent. Does Unity vs have itween or no?

nothing built in by default you’ll have to add support or use only vs
