This is an image from a map I made using 3D cubes, but the cubes don’t look like a grass cube but more of a green metallic cube… and the way the light reflects from the cubes make it feel even less natural. How can I make this cubic environment look much more “natural”?
By changing the material properties?
Most lit games use metalic/specular textures as well to make it more dynamic, instead of just a solid plane.
I think Minecraft is practically unlit textures with a custom shadow pass
DevDunk is totally right. Heres a better way to explain it: If you are using a “lit” based shader, you will have that same shinny look. So theres a few things to check. Are you using lit or unit shader?. Next is all textures have an Import setting called Alpha Source, make sure its set to “None”, basicly removing the alpha channel on that texture…
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