How can I make this "swipe w/ force"? Camera tilt/pan on swipe.

The code below works fine – when player moves finger in the top 80% of the screen, the camera goes up/down and all that.

however, as soon as they let go, it stops. I’d like them to be able to do a swipe that slowly stops, rather than right away. Any ideas on how to achieve that?


for (var i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; ++i) 
		if (Input.GetTouch(i).position.y > (screenHeight / 10) * 2)  // if the touch is in the top 80% of the screen (the play field, basically)
			if (Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
				// Finger moved, so it's a swipe
				var touchDeltaPosition:Vector2 = Input.GetTouch(i).deltaPosition;
				playerObject.transform.eulerAngles.x += (-touchDeltaPosition.y * rotateSpeed);
				playerObject.transform.eulerAngles.y -= (-touchDeltaPosition.x * rotateSpeed);

There are various ways to achieve what I believe you want. Usually, these types of problems are better solved if you try to use helping variables. For example, two possibilities I can hint you:

  • Store the last position of the touch that moves the camera. Then, you gradually move that cameras with a function that depends on the distance. If you’re not really into maths, try moving, for example, (distance from camera to position) * percentagge * Time.deltaTime every frame. If you’re into maths, you can try using the Vector3.Lerp with the positions. Lerp uses a parameter ranging from 0 to 1 to decide the resulting value, so you can use any trick as (elapsed time / total animation time) ^ x (x from 1 to any number), or achieving really smooth effects by using Mathf.Sin((elapsed time / total time) * Mathf.PI). Actually, any continuous function where f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1 with f’(0) = f’(1) = 0 will have a good smooth effect. Talk about calculus =D. Total time is the time you want the effect to take to execute, and elapsed time is the time its been executing. I suggest using times with lerp because you can tune how long the effect will take.

  • Use the swype to calculate an acceleration, and then move the camera by using that acceleration. You can make a big deceleration if the touch ends.

I guess I did a pretty confuse attempt of an answer…