How can I make this Unreal graph in Unity?

Hi all,

I have come from Unreal Engine and I am trying to implement a shader into Unity. This is the graph that I created in Unreal.

The graph is simple. Base Color, which is Albedo in Unity, is just a float4 parameter. Metallic, Specular and Roughness are scalar parameters. For emissive color, I multiply the color parameter with a scalar parameter then multiply the result by a mask, which is that Texture Sample node in the image. The mask’s UVs changes depending on the time. I use Panner to shift the texture as the time goes.

How can I make this shader in Unity?

I am making a 2D game by the way, so that some features may not be available. There is only one scene in the game where I use a 3D game object, so that’s why I am trying to implement this shader.

Have you tried Shadergraph? you could re-create that shader almost identically with it.