How can i make to disappear a gameObject with a mouse click

Hello guys.
I have a problem. Is just im new in Unity and i need to with a mouse click for example over a Cube just the Cube disappear, because i have more figures, like an Cylinder, plane, sphere …

I wrote a script using RayCast but i cant find a function to make it works it just return the Collider, and tried to put a tag in every GameObject but dont know how to mixed both scripts.

If someone has a better idea of how can i make this, please help me.

Kisses :smile:
Sorry for my bad english i hope you can understand it

This tutorial may help you:

thank you!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

On the click of the mouse
make the: = false;

I know this question is already answered. But another option is:

void OnMouseDown() {



Yes, thank you!