How can I modify a variable on an instance of a prefab after I created it?

When I manually add the script

var degrees = 20;

function Update() {
    transform.RotateAround (, Vector3.up, degrees * Time.deltaTime);

to the prefab itself I can get the rotation to work. However, when I try and add the rotation inside this prefab creation script I can not get it to work. Moreover, would this have to be inside a update function or how would I get it working all the time?

Essentially what I am trying to do is to slow the rotation as prefab are plotted further away from a given origin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

var planetPrefab: GameObject;

function Start() { 
    j = 10;
    while (j < 100) { 
        var cloneplanet: GameObject;
        if (planet_class <=100) {
            cloneplanet = Instantiate(planetPrefab, Vector3(sx, sy , sz + j), Quaternion.identity);
            // I want to modify the 'degrees' variable of the script attached to 'cloneplanet' here!
            j = j + 5;

Each time you create an instance of the prefab, set the 'degrees' variable after creating it, like this:

cloneplanet.GetComponent(NameOfFirstScript).degrees = 50/j;

If you want to have it permanently attached to the prefab (making it part of the prefab), just add the script to the prefab in the scene, next do menu `GameObject` -> `Apply changes to prefab`. You can set the degrees value using:

GetComponent(NameOfScript).degrees = 50 / j;

If you want to add script at runtime you can do:

Make sure the RotateAround script name has no spaces in there and preferably start with an uppercase letter. In the code example below I assume you named it RotateAround.

function Start() { 

    j = 10;

    while (j < 100) { 

        var cloneplanet: GameObject;

        if (planet_class <=100) {
            cloneplanet = Instantiate(planetPrefab, Vector3(sx, sy , sz + j), Quaternion.identity);
            RotateAround rotateAround = cloneplanet.gameObject.AddComponent(RotateAround);
            rotateAround.degrees = 50 / j;

            j = j + 5;