How can I prevent my jump from looping?

I have a button which I press to jump. My problem right now is once I press this button once my Player just keeps jumping forever. But I want to make it so that I have to press the jump button again once I hit the ground. This is my current code:

  public void onButtonJump()
         if (controller.isGrounded )
            verticalVelocity = -gravity * Time.deltaTime;

                verticalVelocity = jumpForce;
                animator.SetBool("is_in_air", true);


            animator.SetBool("is_in_air", false);
            verticalVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;

How do i prevent this from looping and do so that I have to press the button again once I am grounded?

It should work, my guess is that the controller never detects its grounded. try using a trigger collider to test if its on the ground.