How can I prevent particles from passing a cube?

I need to create a wind break. I put a cube in front of a particle system. I must prevent particles from passing the cube. Particles must go around the cube not through it. Can anybody help me how to do this?

I would recommend the same: particle collision with a small bounce factor. Set collides with to ‘everything’ and the collision quality to ‘high’.
The cube needs a collider too. If you want to safe some performance, by not force the pasrticle to collide with everything in the worldspace too, change collides with to ‘plane’, and put a plane with a collider to the front face of the cube. that way, particles want to ignore other colliders.

One thing more; if the front of the cube is just flat, the particle maybe wont be forced to ‘flow around’ the cube, due by the fact, that they are just pressed against the surface until they vanish…

Not sure how to do around, but in the editor under the collision tab there are option for particle collision detection on other game objects based on layers. Play with the options.

Thank you Jimjames for your suggestion

When I play with collision options only a little bit the pattern of particles change, but they still keep passing the cube.
I added rigidbody to cube and box collider as well. I also added world particle collider to particle system.
I got no results
Maybe I need to add a script to one of them.