Hi all,
I think this is what they say reflection.
Lets say I have 3 variables
GameObject Object1;
GameObject Object2;
GameObject Object3;
I want to get position of 3 objects randomly
how can I say something like this
GameObject Mekan = this.GetType().GetField("Mekan" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6).ToString()).GetValue(this) as GameObject;
You’ve solved this with reflection, but that is a pretty poor solution here. It will not be very performant, and as you can see, the code is a mess.
The better option, whenever you find yourself with variables that have “numbered” names, is to simply use an array:
public GameObject[] myObjects;
void Start() {
GameObject randomObject = myObjects[Random.Range(0, myObjects.Length)];
Vector3 position = randomObject.transform.position;
I searched and found my solution to get rid of arrays. That is why I like reflection.
November 4, 2021, 3:23am
Anyone disagrees with Jonathan Blow on the state of game and software development just show them this thread.
the main reason that Blow is known as the best indie, is the 7 years age difference between him and me.