How can I read data sent using the Transport API with python server

Currently I’m just playing around trying to create my own custom server using python. Right now I haven’t accomplished much but I’m having issues reading the data I send over.

I’m using just the sample code from | Unity Transport | 0.4.1-preview.1
with a slight modification to the NetworkEvent.Type.Connect if statement.


    if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Connect)
        Debug.Log("We are now connected to the server");

        uint value = 1;
        var writer = m_Driver.BeginSend(m_Connection);


if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Connect)
                Debug.Log("We are now connected to the server");

                uint value = 1;
                var writer = m_Driver.BeginSend(m_Connection);
                string message = "hello";

When I send the hello message my python server receives this


I’m confused as to what this is. I have very limited knowledge of networking and the transport layer but any help would be appreciated. (from an actual answer to additional online resources to help accomplish this task)

The simple UDP Python server

import socket
import sys
import ctypes
import json
from ast import literal_eval

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

server_address = ('localhost', 9000)

while True:

waiting to receive message’)
data, address = sock.recvfrom(4096)

    if data:
        sent = sock.sendto(bytes(ctypes.c_ulong(500)), address)
        print('sent to ' + str(address))

Ignore the useless imports, I’ve been trying various things.

I’m trying to do the exact same thing, I don’t know where did you stop, or were you lucky?

but I’m getting in Unity

Received an invalid message header

when I send something from the PyServer to UnityClient

and of course the weird hex bytes that keep changing with each connection .

early research showed me that I have to build the socketing from the zero (use C# sockets):

here are some helpful links:
[c# - Minimalist Python Server for Unity3d 5.x - Stack Overflow]