How can I reference a specific Animation? (C#)


Thought it wouldn’t be much trouble, but it kinda is. Google is no help, the API is no help and my friends are telling me good luck so I thought I’d message some new friends here on the forum.

I work with animation layers because I have to use multiple masks to get the animation system I want. One of those Layers I use to scale up specific vertices of the model.

I used a blend tree with a pose but the result is not what I wanted because the interpolation doesn’t cut it.

Now I have an animation of the growth, and I want to use .time to further the frames of the animation on conditions while its speed is 0. But I can’t seem to find out how to reference it.

The animations come from an external .fbx file.

How would I go about doing this?


So the only way I’ve found to find my animation is to use this pathway:

but this means I can’t build my game since I’m calling UnityEditor at runtime.
How does one use Animator.this[“string”].time if I can’t find my animation state.