how can i reflect laser(Line Renderer) with the help of multiple mirrors in 3D?

hey guys,i’m building a game in 3D in which i had a source of laser, multiple mirrors and a cube and lets say that the cube is my target.i’m kinda new to unity and i have checked all other answers related to reflection stuff but they didn’t work for me.

this is my project and following are my problems in which i want help,

  1. i want that i press space bar and laser starts.

  2. i want to reflect laser when it hit the blue area on the mirror but when the grey area comes laser should terminate.

  3. same goes for other mirrors but i want multiple reflections and when laser hit the cube it should terminate.

here is my code for laser.

Kindly please help me i’ll be very thankful.

Check this tutorial Отражение Лучей в Unity Часть 1 - YouTube