I have written a system of dialogues with game characters. It works simply: a player approaches another player, looking at him, and presses the E key. A ray is thrown, receives a RaycastHit and runs a dialog script from it. At this point, the DialogueBox UI is turned on, which contains all the main components of displaying the dialog on the screen. For some reason, a lag occurs when the E key is pressed and the dialog box appears. At the further start of the dialogue with this character, there are no lags.
P.S. when I commented out the dialogue Box.SetActive(true), the lags seemed to disappear.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class DialogueSystem : MonoBehaviour
public bool isActive;
[SerializeField] private GameObject dialogueBox;
[SerializeField] private PlayerMovement playerMovement;
[SerializeField] private PlayerCamera playerCamera;
[SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI speakerNameText;
[SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI dialogueText;
private Queue<string> _sentences;
private void Start()
_sentences = new Queue<string>();
public void StartDialogue(Dialogue dialogue)
speakerNameText.text = dialogue.speakerName;
SetCursorState(CursorLockMode.None, true);
playerMovement.enabled = false;
playerCamera.enabled = false;
foreach (string sentence in dialogue.sentences)
isActive = true;
public void DisplayNextSentence()
if (_sentences.Count == 0)
string sentence = _sentences.Dequeue();
IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence)
dialogueText.text = "";
foreach (char letter in sentence)
dialogueText.text += letter;
yield return null;
void EndDialogue()
SetCursorState(CursorLockMode.Locked, false);
playerMovement.enabled = true;
playerCamera.enabled = true;
isActive = false;
void SetCursorState(CursorLockMode mode, bool visible)
Cursor.lockState = mode;
Cursor.visible = visible;