I am using the Pixel Perfect Camera with a reference resolution of 360 x 720 and at runtime I get a Red Error message thrown by the PPC script; warning me that the image may appear stretched or cropped with the current settings.
I’m not seeing any issues with the camera rendering weird on either the built in testing environment nor the android testing. So I’m not so much worried about this. But the top 10%ish of the screen is blocked by the error message and I’ve not had any luck clearing it.
The only other thread I found in the forums suggests commenting out the GUILaoyut Box that is being called, but every time I switch back to unity and it recompiles it changes the script back to default.
I have tried editing it with Unity closed and that did not work either.
//string warning = string.Format("Rendering at an odd-numbered resolution ({0} * {1}). Pixel Perfect Camera may not work properly in this situation.", renderResolution.x, renderResolution.y);
Any nods in the right direction would be most welcomed. This has been pretty annoying.